Posts Tagged With: Prayers

oh the Drama…why can’t I have a drama free Vacay

….Say what! you gotto be kidding me! Are we really in 2015. I stared with shocked amazement at my passport, is this really saying what it reads, let me consult the calendar.  There begun the excitement of my Vacation to the land of the Hummingbird, the twin Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. I had a very busy weekend, so the packing for the vacation began on the evening prior to us leaving for our little vacation. I asked my husband to put out whatever he wanted to take so that I can pack it in the suitcase (he had an engagement that evening and I a meeting during the day). so there I was packing in the pieces for our week vacation, fold..roll..pack..fold..roll..pack, finally  I put in the toiletries, then took a tired but satisfied look at the case. My hand piece was completed as well, so I moved them to a corner, thinking yes, so proud of myself  all packed and ready. Slippers? check, sandals? check, flats to travel with, check? got my sunglasses, camera is charging….everything seem to be in order.

OK, now time to get the documents in order as we had to leave pretty early, and I was trying to avoid last hassle, you know how confused we can get early morning. I took out our passports and the printed ticket, then decided to check my passport data page (yes i like looking at my photo on my official documents) and reading the fine prints now and then. Reading the fine prints and suddenly….


no, no, no, this can’t be right, my eyes are tired and playing tricks on me, I had a long day, let me read this again. The information did not change….Yes we were in July and Yes it was 2015. Even though I questioned myself three times to ensure  that I had the date, month and year correct.  And yes my passport expired the previous week. I think in my tired state, my blood managed to drain and re drain from my face. I had a 8am flight, with a three hour prior check in, the drive to the airport is roughly 45 mins with very light traffic….


Shaggy’s song “Why me, O Lord, Why me” started resonating in my head, what lesson am I suppose to be learning here now, you are probably thinking didn’t you check your passport before, the answer is no. Your next question is probably why not? because in my mind I had more time on my passport. But, when you bought your ticket… my husband bought the tickets and he didn’t need the passport just needed the correct order and spelling of my name. But….well regardless of the but and why questions, the deal was done, it was minutes to 10pm  and I had a 8am flight with a week old expired passport and all government building start working at 8am.


If there is one thing I can pride myself in is that i’m pretty good at dealing with high pressured issues and decision making (even though my blood pressure may not appreciate this particular talent). I immediately called one of my bff, as I know she was in a similar situation and received an emergency travel document (though her case was a little different as she was travelling for work) but hey, who knows, right now going to the passport office is the only option. Ring…ring….ring…. ring…voicemail. Try again…same thing…. third try….same thing. So I tried my other bff, her response was do you want me to see what I can find out, I said yes please she ok, ill call you back. She returned the call shortly after, unfortunately we didn’t get the information we were looking for but she was so sweet and provided that support, we decided that the passport office is definitely the way to go cause they certainly will not let me out of the country with an expired travel document. I contacted another friend who knew someone that worked at the passport office to find out what the possibility was for me getting an emergency document, she advised that I go with my documents and ticket and explain my situation to the officers, and try my luck. Lord Help Me. Note, my other friend phone is still ringing out and going to voicemail. I went online, checked out the documents and so on before I make the other call…to my hubby…

“Hey babe, I got something to tell you, but don’t get upset” Ok what happen? “we got an issue, my passport expired last week” You lie? “nope i’m serious” ….Alexi ….and seriously I cant remember what else he said, let’s just say the rest of the very short conversation did not go down too well. In this union, let’s just say I cope better  dealing with high pressured decision making situation. I’m very practical I think…OK here is the issue, no how do we get pass this issue to move to the next level, what’s the game plan. I’ve learned a long time ago that its ok to fume, but we gotto choose our battles, some are just cases where the sooner we figure out a solution, the better. This was one of those situations.

Guyana Passport Office Experience

Well first off, I don’t know why every single day from Monday to Friday a very long line and crowd can be seen outside the passport office, seriously ever working day of the year.If you wana get out by 10 am, you better be there between 4:30-5:30 am (yes AM as in early morning). So I woke up,  at 4:30 after having very little not so sound sleep, got myself ready and drove to the passport office, which got me there at 5:30. There were a number of persons in front of me (naturally about 20 or 30), I said my prayers and took my space in the line. There was a very interesting preacher with an “interesting theory” who had a captive audience, as nobody wanted to move and loose their space in the line. While in the line my friend called, now returning my call from the previous night, so I explained my situation and she was now trying to think what it was that she needed when she was in the same situation, so she can advice me (then I said how come you now seeing the call, her response “girl you know me, I tek knock out and didn’t hear the phone, now seeing the missed calls) As per norm she was very positive and promised to check in with me to see how things were progressing.


My Bffs my forever cheerleadng squad- love these ladies.

At 6:30 the place was opened and persons started filing in, the officer with over dress codes and checked documents. I explained my situation, and the answer was when you get in speak to the officer inside. I told my hubby to go ahead and catch the flight without me as it made no sense that both of us had to change our tickets. Plus I would be better able to focus, if I don’t have him in my ears and eyeballing me  in this situation. So my sole focus was to get my document and proceed.

I took my place in line then was told that I needed to change my form because some information was missing from the print (Lord, please, perseverance, patience, please) so I went, got the new forms, and had to get it endorsed (Bless those taxi drivers, they knew all the right people  and took me where I needed to be) on the way I also needed new passport photos, which I also got at 6:30am (Photographer came out, pulling a shirt over his torso, looked at me and commented “baby you look more tired than me”. I laughed, and responded, that is probably true, as I had noticed bags under my eyes that morning. He took my photo, I paid him and chit chatted a bit, about business traffic during the early morning hour.

Taxi man was waiting on me outside and took me to my next destination then back to the passport office, where I had to go and rejoin the line, apparently I had lost my space and there were now about 15-20 persons in front of me, I felt like crying, but again I calmed myself as there were about 200 persons behind me and at least I was in the main building (bright side of things).

Finally I went from one  counter to the next, and now I was inside (final stage), I explained my situation and the officer was very polite, she advised that when she is finished processing my documents I’ll need to go talk to the second in command and explain my situation and then a decision will be made based on his consideration. I was told that such a document I was seeking could take as long as a passport (3-4 days- heck I only got one week for this vacay). (I’m thinking What! then why is it called an emergency travel document then)

Second in Command (A VERY VERY KIND SOUL)

I went through to see the Second in Command and had to wait a bit as someone was with him at the time, I prayed. It was my turn, I went it pleasantries exchanged, documents handed over for inspection, then I explained my situation, he looked at me with kind fatherly eyes, then said, what time is your flight? I told him, then explained I was hoping to catch a later flight but that is dependent on the time I get out of there as I still had to deal with changing the ticket. He then said ok I don’t want you to miss your vacation with your husband, and don’t worry your husband will calm down when he sees you again. He proceeded to write instructions on a paper, told me I needed two passport photo which I had fresh off the press, thanks to the taxi driver and his hook ups) and I also needed a revenue stamp (which I did not have). The kind officer, took one off his desk and showed me what it should like, he then said I am going to give you this for your document, go back outside to the officer and give her your details, while they are processing your document, you need to go and buy back my stamp (this was about (8:30- 9am) round the corner by the Post Office.(i’m thinking, this is it? oh thank you Lord)

So Relieved! I then asked, so do you get alot of these cases often, without missing a beat or looking up he responded…mmmhmm. Me “ok”. I thank him for his kindness and proceed with the instructions and to buy back his stamp. That conversation and situation could have taken a whole different route


Needless to say I received my inter-caribbean travel document that same day, during the waiting period I thought the officer had forgotten about me, but she came out saw me and said “babes I ain’t forget yuh, I gon call yuh jus now right”. I was out of there by 10 am, went straight to the airline and paid the penalty to change the time of flight, which too, was not too bad, more pleasant surprises, as there is a same day travel time change policy.

My brother and his wife drove me to the airport, I hopped on the late afternoon flight and was in Trinidad 45 mins later.


Piarco International Airport- tired with accomplished goal.

Whew! WHAT A DAY! and a half.

More from the vacation diary, it had just begun, so you know this has gotto be an exciting one.

Oh Lord why me! until next time 😉

Categories: Guyana Immigration, Passport, Travel Guyana, Vacation | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments

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